Thursday, January 28, 2010

Would You Allow a Bronze Statue of Barrack Obama in the Philippines?

I posted a question on Facebook that I want to publish here on the blog. Apparently, our neighbors in Indonesia are debating if a bronze statue of a young President Barrack Obama should remain displayed on Jakarta’s Menteng Park. Obama was known to live in Jakarta when his mother married an Indonesian man in the late 60’s. The statue was unveiled near the elementary school Obama went to and was intended to inspire young Indonesians to dream big. Opponents of the statue which are mostly organized through social media argue that a statue of a native Indonesian should be honored instead of Barrack Obama who is an American. They also claim that Obama has not yet played a significant role in helping Indonesians nor has any important connection to the country except for knowing a few Indonesian words.

My question is, if Barrack Obama lived in the Philippines for a few years as a boy, would you allow a bronze statue to be put up in honor of him?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is the Philippines equivalent of the Nobel Prize, but the money is in the statue and the hope is in swayed opinion.
