Friday, November 28, 2014

Americans Don't Trust Their Government

Sad to say but Americans don't trust their government. It's very simple, people don’t have confidence in their leaders if they feel they’re being lied to and if those leaders don’t play by the rules.

We now know that proponents (Jonathan Gruber) of the Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare intentionally misled the public to get the law passed and the President went ahead with immigration reform without the consent of Congress.

It's a dangerous place to be for a country. As a Christian and a dad concerned for the well-being of my children, it drove me down my knees and prayed for our leaders. 

As Chuck Colson once said, “free democratic governments function only with the consent of the governed. And the governed only give their consent when they have confidence in those who are governing them. If that confidence fails, then the [American] experiment . . . known as ordered liberty, fails as well.”

Left or Right, Democrats or Republicans, nobody wants a broken country.

(Adapted from BreakPoint)

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