Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Real Dad Moments in the Lives of Children of All Ages & Stages

Dove Men+Care hit another home run with their latest Father’s Day video commercial (see below). The video is so simple and direct that it needs no sweet introduction. I’ll let the video speak for itself.

But one thing that stood out for me which LifeNews also noticed was the scene where a daughter shows her dad an ultrasound photo of her unborn baby. It's a clear visual image of the irreplaceable value of fathers in the lives of children of all ages and ALL stages. And, captured the profound joy and beauty of embracing life.

Videos like Dove’s and recently OralB’s makes me miss my dad.

(Image: Dove Men+Care)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Power of Dad and Family Dinners

One simple way I protect my children from the dangers of drug abuse, suicide, and premarital sex is simply sitting with them at the dinner table. According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, children who have dinner with their parents at least five times a week are less likely to drink, think about suicide, smoke, or say they will use drugs in the future.

My dad was always home for dinner when I was growing up. Our dinner table was not only where my family enjoyed my mom’s cooking. It was also where we shared our values, where we asked questions, and where we learned from each other. I make an intentional effort to continue this tradition with my own family. I’m always home for dinner. I intentionally looked for a job that was close to home and would get me home in time for dinner everyday. It brings a smile to my face when I hear my kids scream “daddy’s home” every time I walk in our front door from work.

The best dinner is when I cook and my family would love it. Last Memorial Day, I prepared a Texan-style smoked pork shoulder for the first time. I smoked it for 12 hours until 1 am. The long wait was worth it. We had the smoked barbecue the following dinner. I knew I scored a home run with the dish because all mouths and fingers were messy while eating my smoked pork. The smiles were precious and was definitely an “I love being a dad” moment for me.