Wednesday, March 18, 2015

God Loves Poetry: A Daughter's First Poem

I didn't know my 10-year old daughter was into poetry until last weekend when she read to me the first poem she wrote. I was impressed with the theme she picked for her first poem. I'm pasting and sharing it below so I have an online record of it.

I believe God loves poetry and He uses it to nurture spiritual formation. However, for many of us, we don't think of poetry as something that can contribute to our spiritual well-being. Poetry can be so unrelatable and can be viewed as old-fashion and boring at many times. But don't dismiss poetry as a powerful literary form to stimulate one's soul yet. Perhaps we should remember the most "spiritual" book in the Bible, the Psalms, is entirely written in poetry.

Without further ado, here's my daughter's first poem:

The Beast Below
A poem by Isabelle Bruce (written: 3/14/15)

A horse and a man fall below,
One has a plan but both must go.
The beast below should know that both must stay,
For this is the game we all must play.
Before it’s too late come follow me,
Don’t disobey or go astray.

My home has a room for each of you,
My house is a dream and so are you.
I created you so don’t go away,
The beast below will make you his prey.
So come follow me and don’t astray,
I will protect you day by day.

The beast below will pay the price,
Don’t play with me or roll the dice,
For all whom do evil will be crushed like rice.
So please don’t go your own way,
Or you must be the one to pay.

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